Mick KeoghDeputy Chair, ACCC

    Mick Keogh was appointed to the ACCC in February 2016, and then as Deputy Chair of the ACCC in 2018, with responsibility for Small Business and Agriculture. He was reappointed in May 2023.

    Mick has a long and diverse history of involvement with the small business and agriculture sector, including periods of employment as a business consultant, and in advocacy and advisory roles to policymakers and governments. He has also chaired a number of Commonwealth Government inquiries and Ministerial advisory boards. He is currently a member of the Commonwealth Government’s Emission Reduction Assurance Council, and a Board member of the Food Agility Co-operative Research Centre.

    From 2003 to 2018, he was Executive Director of the Australian Farm Institute, an independent policy research institute that conducted research into strategic policy issues of importance to Australian agriculture and regional Australia. Mick continued in that role until his appointment as Deputy Chair of the ACCC in June 2018.

    Mick chairs the Water and Agriculture Board and Competition Exemptions Committee, and is a member of the Enforcement, Compliance and Product Safety, and Mergers Review Committees, and Electricity Markets Inquiry and East Coast Gas Market Boards. Mick’s role also includes oversight of the small business, franchising and agriculture units of the ACCC.

    Mick was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2015. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in science, both obtained at the University of New South Wales, and a Doctor of Applied Science (honoris causa) from Charles Sturt University.