COSBOA has a proud history of strong advocacy on small business issues ranging from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy.

We were created by people who believed that small business needed a voice that was not also representing big business – as a result, the Council of Small Business Australia is now the country’s peak body exclusively representing the interests of small businesses.


Luke Achterstraat, CEO
Matthew Addison,
Director & Chair
Elizabeth Skirving, Director & Deputy Chair
Christine Pope, Director & Treasurer
Andrew Ngeow, Director
Jos de Bruin, Director
Ben Kearney, Director
Wes Lambert, Director
Simon Foster, Director



For more information about the COSBOA National Small Business Summit please contact:

Professional Conference Organiser
C/- The Association Specialists
PO Box 576, Crows Nest NSW 1585
Tel: +61 2 9431 8600


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